
Quiz based on landforms

Video based on landforms

Time Zones: A Slideshow

A video based on understanding world time zones

Early and Later Crusdaes - A beautiful video in Urdu

Crusades; A presentation from National Geographic

Plate boundaries; presentation

Spread of Buddhism; an animation

Buddhism; an overview

Spread of Buddhsim in Asia: An animation

A video based on convergent plate boundary causing massive earthquakes!

WW II ; Flash Cards

WW II; Flash Cards

Ancient Egypt; Flash Cards

World History ; Flash Cards

World's major climate types : Worksheet

History VIII - Placement test 2014

Geography VIII : Placement Test 2014

Past Papers

A timeline based on Mughal Dynasty - VII Pink

Graphical representation of demographic data - VII Pink

Weather variables a graphical representation - VI Rose

An informative brochure based on mud volcanoes in Balochistan - Pakistan

Power Point presentation based on survey conducted based on energy crisis in Pakistan.

VIII White a brochure based on mud Volcanoes in Balochistan

Introduction to Biomes!

Project Work

Murree - The Queen of Hills

Earthquakes ; causes and effects

Earthquakes; Slideshow

Children's Rights by UNICEF; A beautiful animation

Rights and Responsibilities; An animation

Partition of India; A slideshow

British in India; A slideshow

British in India; A timeline

A beautiful presentation on Mughal Art !

Mughal Architect; A slideshow

Vegetation Map of Africa

A quiz based on World's Biomes

Rainforest: An interactive animation

Uses of mountains; A slideshow

Uses of Rivers; A slideshow

Sea creatures; An inetractive animation

Seas and Ocean; An interactive quiz

Climatic Zones; Animation

Plate boundaries and movements; Animation

Pangaea; Animation

Mounatin formation; An animation

Folds and faults ; An animation

Over thje mounatin; animation

Erosion; An animation

Fossil Formation

Stages of river; An animation

Cities and villages; A presentation

Weather Quiz

Weather Quiz

Weather Animation

Our Environment; A video clip

Mughal Empire; A detailed slideshow

Mughals; A slide show

Making a flowchart; Interactive

The Muslims' Contribution to Science; A video

Map of South Asia; Interactive

Mesopotamia; Slideshow

Ancient Egypt; Slideshow

Mesopotamian Civilization; Animated Slideshow

Mesopotamian Civilization; Animated Map

A travel to Mohenju Daro

Making a sundial; interactive

Indus Valley Civilization; A presentation

Indus Valley Civilization; A quiz

Indus Valley Civilization; Hangman Game

Indus Valley Civilization; A presentation

Egyptian Civilization; An interactive activity

Reading Maps; A video presentation

Eid-ul-Fitar; An animation

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Timeline

My Family ; An interactive activity

Old and New Toys; A powerpoint presentation

Old and New Vehicles; A presentation

Recalling Maps and Scales; An interactive activity

Drawing a Map! An interactive animation

Weather Around Us! A presentation

Weather Report; An interactive animation

The Weather Song; An Animation

Weather and Weather Symbols; A beautiful game

Provinces of Pakistan; A Slideshow

Reading a Map; An animation

Mughals of India; A beautiful video

Mughal Empire; A Quiz

World Biomes; A Quiz

World Biomes; an animation

World Biomes; an animation

World Climatic Zones; an animation

Climate Change and its consequences; a beautiful animation

Land Supply: Empowering Agriculture

Mapping Skills: Video

A beautiful Video Explaining Causes and Effects of World War II

Quiz Based on World War II

World War II

Mahmud of Ghazni

The Weather Game

Weathering and erosion