
Mapping Skills for grade VII


Types of landforms for grade VI

Link for LMD Survey!

Survey for LMD project

LMD Project updates

The Formation and Modification of Landforms

Geological Faults and Folds Model

Faulting and Folding

Video based on seasons change

Quiz based on seasons change

Internal structure of the Earth

Welcome to LMD

A detailed video based on continental drift theory, plate tectonics, volcanic eruption and related concepts.

Geo 3; Activity 1; helpful video to solve activity 1

Volcanoes and Earthquakes; detailed video

How does earthquake occur?

Plate Tectonics; Crustal Plate Movements

Geological Faults and Folds Model

How To Build A Model Volcano

Video based on plate tectonics

Volanoes Quiz

Volcanoes vocabulary

Quiz based on plate tectonics

Volcanism and types of volcano

Plate tectonics, movements of plates

Best Work by "Sajeed Ijaz" based on the topic "Major Climate types" Exercise-2.3 (WB Pg. 26).

Reflections: Seeing objects

How we see things: Reflections


Types of clouds; Quizz

A tour to ancient Greece

Types of forces

Presentation based on water cycle

Types of rainfall: Presentation

What is Climate : Presentation & Quiz

Aryan's entry to Subcontinent

Electric circuits

Timeline for various civilizations! VI History

World population counter

World population: Quiz

World population growth rate